Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good News for Doomers - Getting stoned without drugs

Submission by (grandma) Gma KoKo a subsidiary of

This one’s for you Guy, my hero and friend.

Guy McPherson is a real doomer. He has been warning the entire handful of people who will listen about the very real peril of empire, industrial civilization and climate change. He thought if people knew about the iceberg we could change course and miss it. He recently came to the same conclusion many of us have. It’s too late. The iceberg is dead ahead. It’s not the end of the world but it IS looking like humans will soon become extinct on this planet, like the many other species that are gone forever, more and more each day that passes.

So isn’t it time for some good news? You know what Einstein had to say – “can’t solve problems from the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” We have to get to – what – a higher space? That’s the good news. We can and should all be getting high, naturally. We humans are intended to live our lives stoned out of our gourds. Hey. Don’t shoot me I’m just the messenger. Watch this 5 min video called “Getting Stoned, Without Drugs – Sadhguru.” He lays it all out.

Yes, there are ways, methods and technologies to release naturally occurring chemicals ‘drugs’ and there are millions of receptors in the brain just sitting there ready to gobble them up and get high. Danny Searle talks about stimulating the pineal gland in part 6 of an 8 part presentation. He believes stimulating the pineal will awaken or perhaps energize the dormant DNA, the junk DNA. All of this is happening to take us to a higher place we are calling ascension. Danny then explains and demonstrates one way to stimulate the pineal gland by like humming. I suspect there are many ways to stimulate the pineal gland, most of them easy and quick. More on that later.

This is called “The Mechanics of Ascension – Danny Searle full 8 parts”. Part 6 has the info about the pineal gland and how to activate it. It starts around minute 46

There was a Hollywood style movie released in March 2011 called Limitless where a down on his luck guy takes a pill and becomes like a genius. He cleans up his act and is capable of seemingly super human abilities. He learns things quickly, remembers everything and figures out solutions with great rapidity. Now imagine the possibility that this naturally occurring substance that is freely available to everyone will enhance the emergence of the greater Conscious Awareness. With this Greater Awareness we can rise to a place were solutions will become apparent, obvious and implement-able.

In case you still need convincing, here is another one that hits the nail on the head. Bashar – DMT Pineal Gland Activation

Whatever the future holds in terms of solving this earthly crisis, however many days we have left, I say, let’s get high! Might as well, what do we have to loose? There is nothing illegal about getting a buzz from my own pineal gland. Actually, I started doing the hum thing Danny Searle recommended a couple of months ago, with satisfying results. Since then have found some other techniques that may have a similar effect. So, am basically high a lot the time and want to tell you the water is FINE. Come on in. But take notice, Sadhguru is right about we need to learn to handle it. Imagine that, so much pleasure, what to do with it - truly a delicious dilemma. So, take it slow and easy and have Fun! It’s the right thing to do, the right way to go.

Guess what? I did smoke pot when I was younger. No surprise there. It does allow me a perspective to compare the buzz from pot with this natural high. Without a doubt, in my opinion the cannabis high is a dim candle to how nice this natural high can be. First of all it doesn’t really interfere with being able to ‘function’ like drive a car, talk on the phone or get work done. Really I’m getting more done. Actually even cleaned my bedroom from stem to stern and that doesn’t happen often. Next will clean the car, let me at it! And look, am writing this blog post. It’s easy to slip from being buzzed to not and back again, no problem. But guess where I’d rather be? Laughing, dancing, singing, meditating, playing in the garden, and appreciating in gratitude the grandeur of this planet.

Am reminded also of taking acid when I was in my late teens early twenties, it was enjoyable. I kind of just stopped because there was like a strange metal edge to it that didn’t feel right. This new pineal gland ‘buzz’ is kind of like taking acid, but so much softer, so pleasant, an indescribable sweetness. It’s just plain GOOD to be alive. Colors seem brighter and light more vivid; the beauty of this world becomes overwhelming. Heightened senses and emotions and yes I seem to just KNOW stuff, ideas are becoming available.

Listen to this, Abraham Hicks – Vortex Relationships. It may not be specifically about the pineal gland or getting high but it does describe how to get into and stay into a higher realm of consciousness.
“Being in The Vortex I feel like I’m on top of the world…I feel whole, I feel connected to.. to the world, like I can feel my soul, I can feel that everything is right, whatever I ask for is right there, I feel elated, I feel centered, I feel grounded, I feel all knowing…”

How to do IT, first get ready:
If after reading this far if you are interested in trying for your self here are some thoughts on guidelines and technique.

STOP WATCHING BROADCAST TV, especially stuff with commercials.

Taking any kind of drugs, prescription or street drugs, even alcohol may cloud things, meaning make the pineal gland buzz less effective..

It may require a certain mastery over strong base emotions like anger and fear, hatred and jealousy to name a few. These strong, denser emotions will likely supersede any semblance of the subtle lighter higher consciousness.

Do techniques to increase connection to the earth and all of creation. This may take a form of what people think of as spiritual practice, or make your own up.

How to do IT, a few ideas:
Humming as described by Danny Searle in Part 6 of The Mechanics of Ascension

Overtone Chanting, do a search and find lots of info and YouTube demos of this, often called Tibetan or Buddhist overtone chanting.

Roll head side to side, gently – think Stevie Wonder
Roll head side to side and dance, get the whole body into the groove.

Shaking the head – some – not too much. Don’t wanna rattle your brain.

Being in love – think of meeting and being with your perfect lover in the vortex.

Hang around someone who is already “there.” Someone like my beloved Amma, the Dali Lama, Sadguru, Karunamayi to name a few. Simply being in their presence ‘rubs off.’

Here is the interesting one:
Sanskrit in general - specifically chanting. There is a Sanskrit pop rock group called Shanti Shanti. They coined the phrase, “The Sanskrit Buzz.” They found people listening to them as they perform chanting Sanskrit would ‘get high’ after only 10-15 minutes and this affect seemed to be universal to all people. They were performing at a high school when some of the rowdy kids showed up. Rather than interrupting the show, the behavior they were notorious for, they stood transfixed at the back of the auditorium and after the show were uncharacteristically peaceful and pleasant.
Just listening to Sanskrit will have the effect, (whether in person or from recording) yet chanting along yourself is even more fun. There is a traditional way of teaching Sanskrit where it is chanted once by the teacher, and then repeated twice by the student. Here is a great place to find the more traditional Sanskrit chants,
Many people enjoy Sanskrit chanting in a form called Kirtan. Krishna Das is a famous performer of this kind of repetition of small phrases or mantras to pleasant musical accompaniment.

The bottom line for finding your bliss is to WANT TO. Wanna?

Madonna Ray of Light
This is a good song to let your self dance, really move that BOO thing. Shake it up. After dancing, feel what that feels like. What you may notice is this ‘buzz’ is actually a very familiar feeling. Something I believe we have all experienced often in this lifetime, some more than others. Notably, it feels like home, it feels like a comfortable place to be.  
Thank you Madana – you are AWEsome!

So Guy, back to you.  
I do know we are living at THIS time and watching a disaster we have long seen coming. The empire is collapsing all around us. What can we DO? All effort seems futile in the face of this impending doom. A Facebook friend wrote on your wall recently, “BE-AM me up Scotty, I am TIRED of this planet.” Sadly Scotty is nowhere to be found, but maybe she will enjoy getting herself a good buzz on. I know that’s right, beam your own self up, girlfriend.

We got little left but hope, so here’s hoping for a miracle. Meanwhile, might as well make the best of waiting for mass extinction and learn to get ourselves high as a kite.

Don’t worry, be happy! It’s all about the climb.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Upload the new paradigm OS Operating System

Submission by (grandma) Gma KoKo a subsidiary of

On Saturday October 13 at 10am EDT Inelia Benz of asked volunteers to upload the new paradigm OS and write it in our mother tongue. I sat in silence for about an hour and will record what was present or would we say presented?

The experience was a wonderful meditation, deep and resplendent with some richly detailed imaging. There was a specific and lengthy cleansing and empowerment of the charkas, including the implanting of a few crystals and gems.

After the meditation I chose to rest and daydream. Before long, in my imagination (image-a-nation) a vehicle arrived with a couple people. They got out and matter of factly dropped off a plain looking smallish suitcase. Intuitively knew it contained things to be unpacked later.

There is a lot of talk these days about collapse; of industrial civilization, collapse of the global economy. Without the lifeblood of cheap fossil fuels the over bloated giants will be no more.

What I saw was more of a crumble or swept away, not like a fierce or violent wind such as a tornado or hurricane. It was very gentle. Everything, EVERYTHING! That contributed in any way to the poison; polluting of water, air, oceans, land, anything – everything that harms beloved Gaia will simple disappear, be taken out of being. The vision was more like a giant vacuum cleaner just sucking it all away. There was kind of like little brooms or some wind just making sure all the crumbs got close enough to the mouth of the vacuum cleaner and it just sucked it all away.

The new OS simply sprouts and naturally grows into being, like springtime in the garden. Each person is already being empowered. Many people the world over are simply turning their will over to a higher power. Exactly like step 3 of 12 steps – turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Higher Power.

The most important part of the new OS is the ability to interact with the Earth with Conscious Awareness. The emergence of the Conscious Awareness of our interaction, our connection to our home planet, Earth, Gaia is the key to the disbanding of Empire. Everything about industrial civilization that directly harms the planet directly harms us. By gaining a global perspective of our connectivity, this Conscious Awareness provides a beacon of light.

It’s not about fighting or revolt or one side being right or wrong. It’s about each person, one by one connecting directly to their own Higher Power, their own divinity. This is made possible by people consciously connecting to the home planet source Gaia and each other, each as dots that make a whole.

As each person connects to the Planet and Higher Power they find the limitless source of  creativity, joy, satisfaction and huge amounts of knowledge, insights, ingenuity, ingeniousness and a whole array of abilities (heretofore considered paranormal) that are in fact, the natural birthright of humans. Each one teaches one (or more). As soon as one person starts radiating this higher vibration, 10 more around them burst forth into flower. It is like a flower blooming as people learn to use and become what this new OS is providing.  

This is BIG, Really BIG! So BIG I am moved to tears of gladness. People we are all so much more grand and powerful than we ever imagined.

Like flowers, fruit and veggies in the garden, each individual is encouraged, nurtured and allowed to excel. People - be all you want to be, all you are born to be.
God, make me an instrument of thy peas.
Where there is hatred, let me sow turnups
Where there is injury, yellow squash
Where there is dobt, cabbage
And so it goes...

We have been in prison. We have walked thru hell and now that time is over. The chains, restrictions and fears are fading into transparency. Simply fading, have faded - going, going GONE!

We are now empowered to receive an open source operating system so we can build a better way to behave as a society. The vestiges of religion and government have no power. No more taxes and tithes. People connected to the earth and connected to each other can feed, clothe, house, care for and educate ourselves and each other while loving the planet that we call home. We can live in peace and harmony so much more easily without a dictator type government, corporate travesty and religious disempowerment.

We can do it ourselves, in love. More than love – LOVE on steroids! Amrita is a Sanskrit word for nectar or sweetness beyond all expectation.

After the upload meditation, I feel full and empowered. Plan to join again next week, Sat. Oct 20, 2012.

Notes about the charka cleanse, balance and empowerment.
The first three charkas were simple and straight forward, a sense of power and light filling them, like blowing thru and like a brush to brush them out. The third chakra felt larger than regular. The fourth charka, the heart felt very different. It was like entering a large expansive sphere with a constant drum beat softly, lub dub, lub dub. The sound of this beat resonating from cradle to grave. Inside that balloon-like sphere, resting on a tiny cushion of no-time-space sat an object best described as a kernel (a choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience). This tiny seed, so small and so large all at the same time offered itself like a gateway.
For the throat chakra, right away something was placed there. At first it seemed like a crystal, in retrospect it may have been more like some kind of device. It seemed multifaceted and radiated light beams. Thousands of radiant crystal light beams all moving in every direction, like tiny spotlights, most of them pointing upward.

The sixth chakra was filled with light and a crystal placed there. At the time I recognized what kind of crystal and was glad for it, well amazed really. At this time of writing I can’t remember what material it is. The shape is more oval with some cone shape, one end wider than the other. Having it placed there felt good, it felt empowering. I can still feel it there even as I am writing.

The 7th chakra just poured me back into the meditative space.

There are many excellent chakra balancing opportunities available.
This one is nice, I love the graphics and tones.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mysticism and the Love of Truth

Evelyn Underhill
“In mysticism that love of truth which we saw as the beginning of all philosophy leaves the merely intellectual sphere, and takes on the assured aspect of a personal passion. Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram —impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive.”
― Evelyn UnderhillMysticism
“Here in this body are the sacred rivers: here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places... I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.”
― Saraha

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello and welcome to AWEspace
A= Ascension
W= Way-seer